Ethiopia: Judaism, Altars and Saints
ISBN Code : 1-59907-008-1
Author : Stuart Munro-Hay
Pages number : 202
Format : Paperback; 6″x9″; Illustrations
Publication date : 02/18/2006
In Ethiopia: Judaism, Altars and Saints, Dr. Munro-Hay shares three intriguing aspects of Ethiopia’s endlessly fascinating history. The first subject of inquiry is the claim that an ancient and profound Judaic influence underlies Ethiopian Christianity. The second theme concerns the tabot, the altar boards of the churches of Ethiopia. The final section is devoted to the exploration of the legends concerning the foreign missionaries who were supposed to have come to the country in the fifth and sixth centuries, the so-called Nine Saints.
The study of these three themes not only offers a glimpse into the riches of Ethiopia’s literary and ecclesiastical tradition but adds new perspectives to our interpretation of Ethiopia’s enigmatic past.