Course Adoptions
Examination Copy Policy
Examination copies are available to professors and teachers considering books as required/supplemental texts. Mail or fax Tsehai Publishers a letter on university/department letterhead indicating that you are considering use of a book, we send the book out at a discount of 50% plus actual shipping cost. If you adopt the book for a course, send us a letter on university/department letterhead notifying us of course adoption, including course title, number of students, and the bookstore from which it was/will be ordered, and payment will be refunded. If you do not wish to use the title in a class or to keep the book, return the book to us undamaged within 90 days and payment will be refunded.
Desk Copy Policy
Mail or fax Tsehai Publishers a letter on university/department letterhead indicating that the title has been adopted, specifying course information, number of students and the bookstore from which it was/will be ordered. Your contact information must include name, mailing address, telephone, fax, and E-mail address.
Tsehai Publishers
Loyola Marymount University
University Hall
One LMU Drive, Suite 3012
Los Angeles CA 90045-2659